For the last week the afternoon sky has been dotted with the fluttering wings of the Zodiac Moth. This is the time of year when the moth population of the Mt Annie National Park journey across the rainforest, the mangrove forest the river fly up over the range and land in the rainforest of the Moresby Range National Park.
On Monday morning the buoy marking the Coquette Point rocks was dragged back into position. This is an important navigational aid to boats using the river and one can but ask why it took six months for it to be dragged back in place?
I took advantage of the neap tides and went for a walk on the sand bar exposed in the wide Johnstone River estuary. What an amazing river we have, you can walk for miles on the sandbar. The soldier crabs and the little terns have not as yet arrived but there were two Pied Oystercatchers searching the sand for food.
These birds are not often seen in north Queensland but are common in Tasmania. The Lesser Crested Terns, that are sedentary at Coquette Point were on the very outer sandbank and were fishing for bait in the shallows.
I spoke to a fisherman and he told me that it was his third day trying to get a feed. Normally at this time of the year he can catch a bucket full in a few hours but has not been able to do so this year!
No sign of pigs in the nursery for the last few weeks but I did notice some large track on the beach. My trap is set open and I monitor it every day, it is only a matter of time!
Yvonne C.
Was interesting to see your pics of zodiac moths.I posted a video of this migration at Ella Bay 2 years ago.
You can’t hear it properly in the video but they were quite noisy!
Cheers Russ
They have a distinctive mating flight display that takes place around dusk. The female just hovers
several metres over the rainforest while the attention seeking male flies energetically and repeatedly
up and down on a semicircular path in front of the fluttering female.
Creek about 2 weeks ago. Whoever thought there were so many idiots out there? We've now had
about a dozen separate fires lit on the bridge in the past few years and its probably only our heavy
rainfall that's stopped it being burnt down completely by now.
All the best