Mission Beach celebrates the
Biotropica’s 2008 report on “Wongaling Beach Habitat Linkages, prepared for Terrain NRM, lists Habitat Linkage
6 (which is: Reserve 214 to Tam O’Shanter National Park via Lot 802 on SP110366) as a primary linkage that “…. is considered the most significant linkage within the Wongaling area. .... Linkage habitat on the eastern side of the
Tully Mission Beach Road is State land but adjacent forests are privately owned lands. …..The security of
linkage habitat on State lands is assumed, although this security rests entirely on achieving appropriate levels of protection for the very significant linkage habitat represented by Lot 66 SP164474"
“These two parcels contain very high quality vegetation, including riparian vegetation fringing two watercourses that flow into Reserve 214. If these parcels are developed there is a high risk that this critical linkage will become dysfunctional and degraded.
The long term future of Lot 66 on SP164474 requires careful consideration given its critical position, high quality habitat and continuity between State lands. Protection incentives should be considered and some acquisition may also be warranted.” (Biotropica 2008)".
6 (which is: Reserve 214 to Tam O’Shanter National Park via Lot 802 on SP110366) as a primary linkage that “…. is considered the most significant linkage within the Wongaling area. .... Linkage habitat on the eastern side of the
Tully Mission Beach Road is State land but adjacent forests are privately owned lands. …..The security of
linkage habitat on State lands is assumed, although this security rests entirely on achieving appropriate levels of protection for the very significant linkage habitat represented by Lot 66 SP164474"
“These two parcels contain very high quality vegetation, including riparian vegetation fringing two watercourses that flow into Reserve 214. If these parcels are developed there is a high risk that this critical linkage will become dysfunctional and degraded.
The long term future of Lot 66 on SP164474 requires careful consideration given its critical position, high quality habitat and continuity between State lands. Protection incentives should be considered and some acquisition may also be warranted.” (Biotropica 2008)".
Lot 66 is here
BackgroundQTFN Lot 66 statement
May 2014 Sanctuary for big birds close
Agenda – CCRC Local Government Meeting 16 January 2014 Petition to Mr Burke launched
April 29, 2013 - 1,234 signatures The federal environment minister announced in July 2011 that the second development proposal submitted for residential subdivision on Lot 66 within Garrett Corridor had been withdrawn.
Development proposal withdrawn
EPBC Public notice 15-7-11 Petition to Peter Garrett opened Nov 21 2010 1654 signatures
Endangered Cassowary under threat
7.30 report 11-1-10 Irwin in birds corner
Cairns Post 13-11-09 Buyback Plan to save birds
Tully Times13-11-09 Land buy-back support
Cairns Post 9-5-09 Group calls for federal protection of rainforest block
Cairns Post 9-1-09 Forest Buyback Urged
Weekend Cairns Post 2-8-08 Letters to the editor
Tully Times 31-7-08 Peter Garrett stops beach development
Tully Times 31-7-08 Garrett steps in to protect cassowary
The Australian 29-7-08 Decisive action to protect Mission Beach cassowaries
Media Release 28-7-08 Peter Garrett press conference transcript
Brisbane Conference Unit 28-7-08 Plea for end to forest clearing
Cairns Post 18-6-08 |