Hello again,
The fiery sunrises early this week portend of wet and windy weather to come. This afternoon the clouds were again building.
Mosquitoes and ants were active for the first time in a month.

One of the cassowary chicks was left alone in the nursery on Tuesday. He cried all day and most of the night. When I put the food in the feed station at 6.30am Wednesday he saw me but ignored the food. Around 8am the whistling stopped and happy chirping sounds came from the mangroves. Dad had returned with the other chick. Dad left the hungry chicks to feed while he kept a look out.

Following cyclone Tasha on Christmas Eve last year the marker buoy on the Coquette Point rocks was swept away and is now over near the coconuts. (God help any skipper that tries to sail inside the buoy where it is now). Anyhow there is no marker on the Coquette Point rocks and almost daily I witness boats going over the rocks at high tide. If there is a good tide and they have a shallow draft they make it but it is just a matter of time before a boat goes up on the rocks.
Today vet Julia Conole came out to the nursery and she had a look at the pig cage.

Cheers Yvonne C.