On 29th November 2013 at the Mission Beach Resort, Aurecon gave a presentation to invited stakeholders outlining the process to decide the designs for the 'Safe boating infrastructure Project' at Clump Point. Of the 20 options considered in the Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) a rock wall island breakwater at the head of the jetty and an upgrade of the existing Clump Point boat ramp (left) were promoted as the best solutions to their brief in the Invitation to Offer (ITO) The following is the considered response to Aurecon's recommendations by the Cassowary Coast Alliance (CCA) CCA supports the decision to provide facilities for berthing only, with no mooring of marine vessels, and choosing the low key option to provide safer boating at the boat ramp. CCA does not support the addition of a rock wall breakwater in an attempt to provide calm water at the jetty. |
Media release by Alliance to Save Hinchinbrook (ASH) supported by members of the Cassowary Coast Alliance.
At the end of 2011 the Cassowary Coast Regional Council (CCRC) engaged GHD Consultants to meet with Mission Beach stakeholders concerning the future of the Clump Point Jetty. The consultants were supplied with a list of stakeholders by the CCRC which included representatives from tourism, commercial boat operators, traditional owners and government departments. Full representation from the conservation sector was not included in this initial consultation.
There has been a lot of talk about boating needs at Mission Beach with the jetty and pontoon out of action since cylcone Yasi. Each time a cyclone has hit Mission Beach in the last 25 years, the push for a marina has stopped proper repair of the jetty. We need to step back a moment Progress at Missison Beach needs to be fully respective and understanding of the high biodiversity values of the area. That is the only sustainable economy of Mission Beach. A modern Jetty upgrade may be the long term solution for Mission Beach boating needs. A sustainable economic future is reliant on natural growth reflecting realistic needs of the community with equal consideration given to the rural and natural village character and the outstanding natural environment. This will build a stonger community, retain the lifestyle and exceptional natural beauty that the majority of residents settled at Mission Beach for. Here are some facts to consider... click on image |
Clump Point NewsUp to date news and current issues of concern or interest about the future of Clump Point/Boat Bay. Proposed rock wall at the Perry Harvey Jetty
Process to determine boating infrastructure at Clump Point
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update Mission Beach Safe Boating Infrastructure update
Dept State Development Infrastructure and Planning November 2013 INVITATION TO OFFER NO. DSDIP-2127-13
Mission Beach Safe Boating Infrastructure – Design Services 1/7/13 Cassowary Coast Maritime Facilities - Demand Forecasting Study
Final Report Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning GHD and Economic Associates June 2012 How you can help
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November 2017