You can take action to help stop cassowaries being killed on our roads
It will only take a few minutes to send a message to the relevant ministers
Your message could make the world of difference
Two ministers who have the power to help are;
Community ownership will count along with the threatened status when the Commissioner chooses which species will go onto the 20 birds by 2020 Action list so your feedback will help secure a place for the cassowary.
You can help
Copy the text below the line and
paste into the text box here. or email the minister Better still explain to the minister in your own words how important cassowaries are to you and our community not just for your sense of identity but to our tourism economy; and ask the minister to; Please work with the Cassowary Recovery Team to implement traffic calming on roads at Mission Beach to stop this heartbreaking record of cassowary deaths. Please remember to sign your name Contact Mark Bailey via