If you have already written to the minister you can write again to reinforce your community view
If you have already written to the minister you can write again to reinforce your community view
The Hon Dr Anthony Lynham minister for State Development wants hear from the Mission Beach community. Below is a considered position based on the information and outcomes of meetings to determine practical and environmentally sustainable solutions to service both commercial and recreational boating needs at Mission Beach.
This is the last chance to let the minister know you support development that will have no adverse impact on the World Heritage values of Mission Beach. Send Hon Dr Anthony Lynham a clear message from the
Mission Beach community Copy and paste the text below into the form Write your message in your own words, it has a lot more influence |
I share a vision for Mission Beach of a thriving nature based tourism economy based on protection of the exceptional natural and cultural values of our two World Heritage Areas: i e low key and boutique in nature.
Clump Point is a unique and iconic headland able to be enjoyed by the whole Mission Beach community. Providing marine facilities at this location has resulted in destruction and ongoing impact of a section of fringing reef for a boat ramp, and recent destruction of critically endangered rainforest mapped as essential cassowary habitat, to provide extra recreational boating car parking as part of the State Development 'Safe Boating Infrastructure' project. In the interest of retaining the natural character of Mission Beach, consistent with the above vision and the World Heritage convention, future development must strive for ‘no adverse impact’. Re the Safe Boating Infrastructure Project being planned within both the recreational boating and scenic reserves at Clump Point I support the following: - the Perry Harvey Jetty to be included in the provision of safe boating infrastructure, - fuel provision at the Perry Harvey Jetty only, not at Clump Point, - a landing for safe loading and unloading of passengers and goods at those times when boating is possible (that is weather permitting), - car park areas to include permeable surfaces and native shade trees appropriate to this high-value natural setting, - a “Whole of Clump Point Management Plan” to protect the high environmental and cultural values and wilderness character of the headland, - upgrade of boat ramp to three ramps with extra landing, - If any rock wall is to be constructed: that the rock be transported by barge only, to avoid impact of heavy vehicle traffic on roads, community and cassowary habitat. I do not support: - barge landing at Clump Point, - wash down facilities on the headland, - permanent berths, introduction of floating pontoons (marina), future expansion or private development, I have serious concerns about: -the purpose and footprint of a rock wall (proposed 120 metres) and its impacts on the natural values of Clump Point including its fringing coral reef, its unique geomorphological form and its beauty. |